Further information and the library are located in the Google Code Group. I would appreciate feedback. Anyway, I find out how to get the last PIN that caused an interrupt. It appears to work correctly now. Furthermore, the pin change interrupts are grouped into 3 "port"s on the MCU, so there are only 3 interrupt vectors subroutines for the entire body of 20 pins. DuaneB Edison Member Posts: Happy Birthday, Dear Meeeeee-eeeee!
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PinChangeInt : PinChangeIntTest
B is working without any modifications. Read the release notes and wiki for more info. J is mostly useless, because of the hardware UART. Happy Birthday, Dear Meeeeee-eeeee! Related Hardware and Initiatives. Most of the Port J pins are not even connected to a header connector.
What processor or Arduino board? DuaneB Edison Member Posts: I corrected it so the code now operates in oibrary proper order. In earlier versions, it must be configured through the PinChangeIntConfig header file instead.
Now the interrupt-less and relatively fast operation of filling a circular buffer is used in the interrupt routines. Includes speedups to the ISR! From cserveny's the author of the MEGA stuff notes: Look at the notes for the download here: Further information and the library lkbrary located in the Google Code Group.
The library has been modified so it can be used in other libraries, such as my AdaEncoder library http: Yes, it is on this auspicious occasion of mine and Elizabeth Taylor's [R.
It seems counterintuitive at first but it works great.
To sum it up for the Mega: Hopefully this will help avoid the embarrassing bugs that I have heretofore missed. Major bugfix over previous versions.
Problem with PinChangeInt library
This makes the job of resolving the action on a single interrupt even more complicated. You'll find in pincjangeint world of free open source software that quality is hit and miss and often the documentation is incomplete, incorrect, outdated, or missing altogether. For more info please look at this Forum Post. The interrupt routine should be fast, but complication is the enemy of speed.
Is it somehow possible to change the trigger event of a pint without calling the detachInterrupt followd by an attachInterrupt?
Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
I have stuck a fork ardhino the beta version 1. Port J, however, is practically useless because there is only 1 pin available for interrupts. Arduino on other Chips. The interrupt routine should be fast, but complication is the enemy of speed. Includes the following enhancements; from the Release Notes: Fixes a bug in 1.
Please reread your post and then tell us what information you've provided, other than you're trying to use the pinChangeInit Library. As well, it has come to this author's GreyGnome attention that the Serial class in Arduino 1. Librarh this message I attached the header of PinChangeInt library. Rob Tillaart Nederlandse sectie - http: As mentioned above, MEGA support is included but support for that platform is weak.
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